Saturday, July 23, 2011

So much for sleep

There is some crazy storm going on outside. The thunder and lightening feel as if they're right outside my window. It's raining ... no, not men. Sheesh. It's raining as if someone maybe should've built a boat and loaded things two at a time. Fa-crazy, I tell you. The cats are all completely freaked. Even my roommate's cat came over to get pet out of fear. 

The power has been flickering on and off for at least an hour or two now. If we lose power again, I'm going to be ticked off. I mean, we have the candles for it, but I like my A/C, thank you very much. 

Maybe I should check a weather thingie to see that the satellite view is. It might tell me how much more of this I have to look forward to. 

Oh, and speaking of satellites, how sad is it that we won't be doing any more manned missions to space? How are we ever supposed to invent interstellar travel and become galactic explorers if we don't have a space program? Maybe we should stop spending money on war and concentrate on bettering our people. I mean, isn't war-mongering what got Rome in trouble all those years ago? Take a lesson from history, peeps. Too much war makes countries go belly up. 

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